January 2021 Provision
Dear Parents and Carers,
Once again circumstances are changing and moving at a fast pace. Following the letter from Claire Homard, I would like to let you know our intentions here at Ysgol Cae’r Nant.
The 4th of January is an INSET day. From the 5th January to the 8th January will be blended (online) learning at home. As stated a decision will be made about the week beginning 11th January as soon as possible in the new year, and I will inform you as soon as a decision has been made.
Free school meal payments will continue to be paid into bank accounts.
From Wednesday 6th January we will re-open Hub provision at Ysgol Cae’r Nant, this will be for the children of critical workers (a full list is available on the WAG website). We ask that you fill in the attached form and return it to office@ycn.flintshire.sch.uk with proof of your critical worker status and rota for the week beginning 4th January, we cannot process the application without these supporting documents. This email address will not be monitored over the Christmas period, notification of a successful Hub place will be between Monday 4th January from 10 a.m. and Tuesday 5th January 1:30 p.m. If an application has not been received by noon on Tuesday, unfortunately we will not be able to allocate a place.
The Hub will be situated in our hall and will run from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Pupils who attend the hub will need to bring a drink and a packed lunch from home.
I hope you all stay safe and well over the festive period. Enjoy every minute with your children, quality time spent together is what they will remember. Here is hoping 2021 improves for everyone as we progress throughout the year.
Kind regards and best wishes,
N Kilpatrick