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Why Learning Welsh is Imporant

Why Learning Welsh is Important


It keeps your brain fit and healthy

Speaking another language makes your brain more creative.

It may help you to learn other skills easier-like playing an instrument.

It increases the amount of time you can concentrate for.

Your brain is healthier when you get old.


It will help you learn other languages more easily

When you can speak two languages it is easier for your brain to learn more.

People who speak two languages can go on to learn many more.


 It helps you do better at school!

Children who speak two languages often get higher marks in school as they get older.

It improves your memory so you can remember more information.


 It gives you a sense of Welsh identity and culture

Speaking Welsh helps you to understand the street and place names around you-lots have special meanings that you may otherwise have missed!

It gives you a sense of belonging to Wales and its history.
